Sunday, 28 October 2012

Autumn is for Hoarding

Autumn is all about hoarding. Hoarding food, hoarding images of bright colours and still warm days to keep the cold of winter at bay, hoarding memories of the year gone by as it slowly approaches its end.
Leaves on the bandstand in St Helena Park

Yesterday I decided to hoard some images.  It was bright and sunny. The autumn colours are approaching their best but a night's frost or strong wind could denude the trees.

View from Ice House Hill
 So I decided I'd devote Saturday to photography. But I'd forgotten that with himself away at a family celebration, I'd have to do all the chores, give the dog his first walk of the day, catch up with laundry and tidying the house.
I adjusted my plans and decided that rather than driving around the countryside, I'd take my camera  with me while doing the grocery shopping and get some shots how autumn also brings beauty to town.
Ice House Hill
 Dundalk is lucky to have two fine parks close to the centre of town - St Helena's Park with its lovely old bandstand and mature trees, and Ice House Hill, with its pond, public art and, of course, the ice house to which it owes its name.
Feeding the ducks in Ice House Hill

Wildfowl on the pond at Ice House Hill

The bandstand in St Helena Park


  1. How lovely to have this greenspace close to home...yes, sometimes we don't need to travel far for inspiration.

  2. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

    I've just been commenting to the children that the lack of wind has meant the leaves have been around for longer, for us to enjoy, this year, both on the trees and on the ground.
    Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos!

  3. Lovely images. I like your idea of hoarding images as well as the preserves I make to keep us going through the winter!


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