Sunday, 26 January 2014

Dreaming of Spring

These days, I'm longing for Spring. Tantalising signs of this much longed for season are appearing everywhere. The hyacinth bulbs I bought fill the sitting room with their wonderful sweet scene, there's a profusion of snowdrops growing beside the old farmhouse down the lane, and the spring bulbs I planted in the autumn are popping up.
But our weather remains very unsettled. Sunshine, showers, wind, rain, fog, frost; we've had the lot this past week. More winter storms are forecast over the coming days, so it's still time for keeping warm, cooking wholesome food and dreaming of warmer days.

I made my favourite soup, leek and potato, for lunch today (will post the recipe later in the week) and
was delighted when I discovered the pansy flowering in the garden.
And I'm busy reading for The Year in Books. I've already finished 'Gone Girl' and am now reading and really enjoying Zadie Smith's 'NW' as well Richard Yeats short stories 'Eleven Kind of Loneliness' which are perfect for dipping into and savouring one at a time.


  1. Exquisite photos, so cheering too, thank you.

  2. I was dreaming of spring too. I wandered out in the sunshine to the local wood and spent a pleasant half-hour photographing the snowdrops. Then the heavens opened and I spent the rest of the afternoon drying out clothes!

  3. I can't wait for spring, the snowdrops are popping and it has been mild but do worry winter hasn't finished with us yet!

  4. Hello Mairead, just wanted to say thank you for stopping by and commenting. I love your snowdrops photo. I've been photographing them too and spent yesterday cross-stitching one for a brooch. I read Gone Girl last year and had the same reaction - loved three-quarters and then thought the last part was a bit silly. I'm glad I read it though to see what all the fuss was about - didn't know they were making a film so will have to look out for it. x


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